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Publications by topic: LaTeX2e Concepts and Design

Key–value setting handling in the LaTeX kernel

This paper describes the new kernel mechanism to handle package and class options using key–value methods introduced in release 2022-06-01.

A video on “Key-value setting handling in the kernel (2022)” as presented by Joseph at the TUG conference is also available.

From the TUG Conference 2022 (Online conference)

New in stock — recent LaTeX improvements (that you may have missed)

Key-value setting handling in the kernel

Using spot colors with LaTeX

Creating document commands: The good, the bad and the ugly

\NewDocumentCommand versus \newcommand versus . . .

The LaTeX release workflow and the LaTeX dev formats

TUG Conference 2019 (Palo Alto, USA)

Taming UTF-8 in pdfTeX (handouts)

To understand the concepts in pdflatex for processing UTF-8 encoded files it is helpful to first take a look at the models used by the TeX engine and earlier attempts made by LaTeX on top of TeX. The talk provides a short historical review of that area and gives an overview about the improvements with respect to UTF-8 handling that will be activated in LaTeX within 2019.

From the TUG Conference 2018 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Compatibility in the LaTeX world (handouts)

In this talk I take a look at the major disruptions that have rocked the LaTeX world in the past decades and how we handled them, covering some of the resulting consequences.

In the latest part of this saga a rollback concept for the LaTeX kernel was introduced (around 2015). Providing this feature allowed us to make corrections to the software (which more or less didn’t happen for nearly two decades) while continuing to maintain backward compatibility to the highest degree.

I will give some explanation on how we have now extended this concept to the world of packages and classes which was not covered initially. As the classes and the extension packages have different requirements compared to the kernel, the approach is different (and simplified). This should make it easy for package developers to apply it to their packages and authors to use when necessary.

From the TUG Conference 2010 (San Francisco, USA)

A brief history of LaTeX — with a prediction

From the TUG Conference 2008 (Cork, Irland)

Windows of opportunity: A (biased) personal history of two decades of LaTeX development — Are there lessons to be learned?

Interview of Frank Mittelbach – A combined interview of the LaTeX Project director

From the twentieth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing in 2001 (Newport, Rhode Island, USA)

The LaTeX Legacy

LaTeX2e encoding interfaces

A presentation held at Brno about the encoding interfaces that LaTeX offers. It discusses the various issues related to input and output encodings.

TUG Conference 1989 (Stanford, USA)

With LaTeX into the Nineties

The paper of the talk given at the 1989 conference in Stanford that started the LaTeX project.

Publications by topic

Under each topic you will find relevant articles and papers on related subjects published by the LaTeX3 project as well as links to videos of their conference presentations.

Publications by year

A alternative view of all publications ordered by year is given on the Publications by Year page.

Books by project members and others

A list of books that we think are useful is given on the Books Page. By buying documentation through this website you support the volunteer work of project members to keep LaTeX useful for you.